I consider myself quite unorganized, in terms that my closet and my room and my desk are not quite tidy (well.. I believe you, yes you, are the same).
But I do have plan, or target or priority.
Unlike a dear friend of mine…
I really don’t understand the way she thinks regarding her study. I graduated three semesters ago. But she kept postponing doing her thesis and blamed it to her load of works. That, I can understand. But then, during her leave, instead of doing her thesis, she chose to go abroad or play the Sims on her computer. Errgghh!
(I know I’m acting like her mother… Wish I could ground her, that naughty lazy child!)
She’s been having the hard times dealing with the administration in campus because of her tardiness on paying the tuition. By the way, it was I who reminded her about the tuition. It was I who called campus asking about deadline of payment and deadline of thesis. She was just so ignorance. Errrggghhh!
She was supposed to finish her thesis end of October. Otherwise she would have to drop out. I urged her to meet her professor and Mbak Nunuk, our dear friend who is very clever in research metodology. I even did her questionnaire. Thank God the submission of thesis has been delayed. But that made her slower her paced too. Errrrgggghhhh!
(Do you think I worry too much?)
So she finally submitted her thesis on twenty something December, but it was not quite completed. The statistic part, the scariest and the most easy-to-detect-mistakes part, was not completed. She promised to finish it, and study about it. And she was scheduled to present her thesis on January 6th.
I offered to help her get prepared on New Year’s holiday.
But she asked me to go to Peabo Bryson concert instead. Errrrgggghhhhh!!
Then she SMS me to accompany her to go to Mbak Nunuk regarding her statistics. I agreed. But the day I was supposed to accompany her, she sms me again, informing that she couldn’t go because her relatives wanted to introduce her to someone.
She just could not set her priority.D’oh…
Tutti Syarifuddin
3 years ago
Thank you!
[url=http://bpofrbtg.com/lopq/miqy.html]My homepage[/url] | [url=http://mlgmptwe.com/bqqg/fciq.html]Cool site[/url]
Well done!
http://bpofrbtg.com/lopq/miqy.html | http://xqpbtera.com/tqcx/scpf.html
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