Monday, July 25, 2005

Gie : it could have been better

Rabu lalu (20 aug 2005) nonton Gie bareng sarah dan seky.
Film yang udah begitu santer didengung-dengungkan.
Dengan resensi di media yang begitu wah.
Somehow, kok gw ga sependapat ya..

Ceritanya mencoba mengakomodasi sisi patriotis dan romantis-nya Gie.
Tapi dua-duanya ga dapet!

Ada di salah satu scene, Herman sohibnya Gie nanya,
“Sebenernya untuk apa perjuangan kita ini Soe?”

Lah? Perjuangan apa? Dari tadi ga ada digambarkan mereka berjuang gitu loh…
Di saat mahasiswa lain sibuk berorasi dan buat partai, geng-nya Gie asik naik gunung dan nonton film, dan males ngeliat temennya yang jadi aktivis (yg emang digambarkan jadi nyebelin banget) lalu secara kompak keluar dari kerumunan mahasiswa lain yang lagi dengerin orasi.

Katanya Gie berjuang lewat tulisan. Tapi baru di akhir cerita, dimana Gie akhirnya dijauhi semua orang baru keliatan Gie tuh nulis apa aja. Sebelumnya, di masa ‘perjuangan’ itu, ide dan opini Gie ga digambarkan.

Sisi romantis juga ga tajam. Adegan romantis cuma pas lagi sama Ira (Rida RSD) trus nanya,
“kamu rikuh ga kalo berduaan sama saya seperti ini?”

Adegan dg pacarnya yang lain (Wulan Guritno) ga ada yg romantis. Termasuk adegan Gie dicium Wulan, ga romantis euy.. secara Gie nya dingin dan Wulannya agre gituh…

Mungkin Riri ngira smua orang udah tau siapa Gie. Jadi ga ngrasa penting menghadirkan sosok Gie yg utuh.

Yang lebih bingung lagi, di akhir crita Gie digambarkan sedang amat sangat kecewa lalu jalan seorang diri naik gunung tanpa persiapan, lalu mati di sana. Kesannya cari mati banget. Dan kerdil banget.
Padahal aslinya kan ga gitu.

Tapi setting nya emang keren banget si. Yah cukup dimanjakan lah mata. Trus Niko keren banget mainnya Jalannya aja udah kayak orang cina totok beneran.. kayak ngkoh-ngkoh di kampung naga... hehe...

Ini ada resensi yang gue setuju banget:

Is he in to me?

Few weeks ago. On the way from yoga class with my thirty flirty and thriving friends...
We had a discussion about (what else?) man.
Oprah's show once invited a man writer. His book is "What He Means". He was a former play boy who finally found his soulmate.
His book is about his adventures and experience with women.

He wrote that men often say something he does not really mean. And women often misinterpret men's words and moves.
A caller from the show asked the author. "He is sweet to me. He sends me messages, says nice things, takes me out, and yet he never proposes to me. Is he in to me?"
He answered: No.

Caller #2 : He is a soccer player. He visited my town once. We had good time, great sex. He said he'd call. He did occasionally. He never visits me again. Is he in to me?
He answered: Definetely Not.

And more other callers. all with the wrong perception about their men.
I, too, start to think that he is not really in to me either...
Well, he calls, sends sms, says nice things, calls me darling/dear/honey, asks me to marry him... but he doesn't visit me (well he's in different town, but still..).

And he's married.

I know.. I'm stupid. I should never get into this from the first place. I keep saying this to myself: I'm not a family breaker. I'm not somebody else's lover.
The thing is, he makes me comfortable.
Oh boy.. why married men are so irresistable?

Anyway, Is he in to me?

inspiring tips

Taken from Paulo Coelho's masterpiece:

when you want something so badly,
the whole universe will conspire to help you...