Thursday, July 29, 2004


gue percaya setiap makhluk punya misi khusus di dunia ini.
paling ngga, pasti ada gunanya bagi makhluk lain.
manusia misalnya, misinya sebagai khalifah di dunia ini.
anjing misalnya, berguna sebagai teman manusia, menjaga manusia, mengusir kucing garong
kucing, menakuti tikus dan burung kenari (saaaah... twitty banget!)
tikus, walopun musuh petani tapi katanya buntutnya bisa jadi alternatif obat kanker.
dst... dst...

ada yang tau apa misi atau fungsi kecoa di dunia ini?

pertama, dia makhluk yang bentuknya menyeramkan.
lebih lagi, menjijikkan.
terus, dia tu suka nyosor. kalo kita coba menghindar, eh, dia malah nyamperin. blurggghhhhh!
trus dia suka iseng gitu terbang-terbang, ga ketauan mau mendarat dmn, bikin panik aja.
parahnya lagi,  kalo pas gelap-gelap kita ga ngeh, tau-tau . . . krekkkkkk!
badannya yang crunchy itu terasa di telapak kaki, garing-garing basah gitu dengan lendir yang croooottt aja keluar dari badannya. 

yup! disgusting!

tinggal gue aja yang abis itu melakukan tarian minta hujan orang indian, yang gue ga sadar pernah bisa, ditingkahi teriakan-teriakan histeris yang buat kaget seisi rumah.

apa itu misi kecoa di dunia ini?

agak ga terpuji si nurut gue. . .

Monday, July 19, 2004

Surpise Cake

Today is my mother's birthday.
I’ve been thinking to send her a cake.
A little surprise cake.
A chocolate mocha cream cake with chocolate mouse topping.


I talked to my three brothers about my plan.
I talked to them separately, in whisper.
(ssshhhhh… it’s a secret. Mom’s supposed to know nothin’)
My brothers were all excited about the surprise plan, and about eating the cake, but not in SHARING the BILL.  Bluurrrrrrrggghhhh… brothers!
So we agreed in surprise cake project.
I ordered the cake from Dapur Coklat and asked them to deliver it at 19.00 (so everybody will be home already. And I will be home to take the bill).
Simple plan. 
Do you think anything could go wrong?
It’s not a big party.

It's just a cake we expect to come at 7 pm, then we slice it, and eat it.
Everybody’s happy.
Except. . .
The cake was delivered at 12.00 noon.
While I wasn’t home.
And my mother was home.
I couldn’t pay the bill.
So my mom paid the bill.
I complained to Dapur Coklat.
They were sorry.
But my mom has paid the bill.

So much for surprise cake!!! 

Tuesday, July 13, 2004


Sms received from a friend:

Ntar loe bisa cabut ga? Ke PS yuk…

Uhm… frankly I don’t feel like going. It’s a dangerous place.
It makes you blind by all the clothes, and shoes and sale.. and all the people who dressed up to the nine...
Really, it's a dangerous place.
It makes you go KALAP! (uhm... how do you say that.. Totally Uncontrollable?)
It’s my headquarter, though. Kantor Pusat.
That's the joke we say when we come there too often.

Last time I went there, I bought swim suit, t-shirt, tank top, earrings..
I know those will be at use someday!
Before that, I bought a blouse and bra.
I was sure those would be at use, too

Those happened quite a while, though.
While I was sooo much younger then...
(actually it was a week ago! But it is quite a while, I can assure you, considering I used to go there 2-3 times a week)

Anyway... today I don’t feel like going.
I don’t feel very well (I think I got symptoms of office sickness, you know, my back hurts, my shoulder hurts, my neck hurts… and I feel like having a good massage… creambath, perhaps?)
Beside, I have many personal things to do (like posting blogs, check friendster, apply job on-line, YM... and other small thing like washing and ironing my clothes...)
I also have to manage my cash flow. This sale season is really getting on my nerves. And I am quite helpless… *sigh*
And… (this is the most important part) I don’t dress appropriately to go there.

This is PS we’re talking about. A place to see and to be seen!
What if I meet the prospective people (for business, of course…for love too..) and he sees me not at my best?
What if I meet my ex boyfriend and he doesn’t see me at my best? Uuggghhhhhhh… no way! Or worse, what if I meet my ex boyfriend’s girlfriend and she sees me not at my best? Ah-ah! I can't manage to give her that pleasure!

The possibility is so scary.

In conclusion, I have many reasons not to go, don’t you think?
Now I made up my mind, it leaves only one problem:
How am I gonna tell my friend?

You see, I am having trouble saying no.
I hate disappointing people.
But, obviously I can’t tell her all the reasons I just tell you.
She’d think I am over-reacting.
And she would convince me that everything’s gonna be fine.
And I am quite helpless, remember?

Beside, my reasons would be too long for short message services.

So, instead I replied to her:
Ga. Gw ada rapat jam 5.

That seems smooth. Meeting at 5, continue with dinner at 7, finish at least at 8. Too late for shopping.
I just say no to shopping!

tanya jawab cinta

Tanyaku pada langit
Dimana sebenarnya cinta ada
Jawab langit kepadaku
Ada di dasar hatimu

Tanyaku pada mentari
Mengapa ada dusta dalam cinta
Jawab mentari kepadaku
Itu bukan cinta, sebab cinta itu kejujuran

Tanyaku pada siang
Mengapa cinta terkadang perih
Jawab siang kepadaku
Sebab kau tak pernah dapat memegang kendali cinta yang diluar

Tanyaku pada daun
Mengapa airmata selalu mengiringi cinta
Jawab daun kepadaku
Airmata mengalir dari hati, tempat cinta bersanding dan ia akan terus disana

Tanyaku pada angin
Mengapa rindu dalam cinta sangat menyakitkan
Jawab angin kepadaku
Karena cinta mengisi jiwa dan hati bagai udara segar penuh wangi keindahan, dan ketika cinta menghilang nafas jiwamupun
tersengal mengibahnya

Tanyaku pada malam
Dapatkah cinta tinggal selamanya tanpa pernah pergi
Jawab malam kepadaku
Cinta tidak datang untuk pergi, namun cinta tidak datang untuk tinggal


Thursday, July 08, 2004

what is it with man...?

what is it with man and his female best friend?
He said he cares for her, feels comfortable with her, doesn't mind to talk about almost anything w/ her, he even flirts w/ her, makes her feel flattered.

he just wont make her his girl friend.
he wont date her.

ring a bell, girls?

ring a bell, guys?

He keeps complaining about his love life to his nice patient understanding female best friend.
How he must take her girlfriend and pick her up everywhere.
How he feels she manipulates his time.
How he feels his privacy invaded.

he goes on dating a demanding selfish spoiled baby possessif girl he keeps on complaining.

she (that nice patient understanding female friend) just has to be satisfied being a cheer-up buddy for a man she's been fond of.

what is it with man?

Thursday, July 01, 2004


L'amour n'est pas 'parce-que'
mais 'malgre'. . .

The Past

I was wrong when I hurt you
Do you have to hurt me too?
Do you think revenge can make things better?

(The Past, Ray Parker Jr.)

fur p,
ca vait long temps.
je suis tres disolee, pardonne moi!

fur m,
J’ai fait tous parce que j’etais tres triste sans toi.
J’espere tu peux me pardonne.