Tuesday, December 07, 2004

precious three seconds moment

I have one question.
This never occured to me before.
But, well, under this circumstances, I can’t help but wondering.

What would you say to the President of Republic of Indonesia if you get a chance to shake hands with him?

Oh… put that smiling face off of you! No kidding. I mean it.

I was at the State Palace last Friday (I know, I sound so important, huh?) on the commemorating of World AIDS Day. My office sponsored the event.
So we had a chance to shake hands with the president. On this rare precious (oww please!) opportunity, what would you say?

should I talk about SBY 100 days program?
about poverty?
poor mode of transportation?
HIV prevalence?

It’s only 3 seconds face to face moment, so the photographer could take your pictures.
(and I made sure they did not miss, hehe..).

Know what I said?
"Thank you"

For what??? Yeah… I’m not sure.
It just slipped my mouth.

So you’d better start thinking on what would you say, in case someday you have that precious three seconds. *grin

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats!, that's really a precious moment
If I met bapak presiden, ...well it's depend on how long I met him, if it was only three minutes (or 3 seconds?) I would likely say 'terima kasih' as you had said. what else? Or maybe a basa-basi like 'Wah. senang rasanya. bgm pak presiden sehat?, etc. dsb. (dan saya bingung) and put a smile face for a photo shot. Hopefully the next day or week I would appear on a corner of Kompas or Tempo.
.....Anyway Pit, once in while I still check your blospot. just curious que se passee avec toi. Dede