Wednesday, September 29, 2004

si boss ada-ada aja ih...

Boss: coba cari daftar nama-nama Bupati yang kemaren milih SBY
Gue : (bingung, tapi merasa bukan orang kedua tunggal, jadi diem ajah)
Lusty: kan pemilu rahasia Pak… gimana taunya mereka pilih siapa.
Gue, Wenny, Lusty : (ketawa-tawa sambil berpandangan)

Boss: Cari tau deh, kita mau kirimin surat satu-satu.
Gue : Buat apa pak? (just can't resist)
Boss: Ngucapin selamet SBY telah menang di daerah dia, sekalian kita tawarin buat bikin profil daerah dia. Coba dicari deh!

1. Kalopun di kabupatennya yang menang SBY, apa iya Bupatinya pasti milih SBY?
2. Kenapa Bupati yang kemaren milih SBY yang ditawarin?
3. Ngapain ngucapin selamet kalo SBY menang? Kita toh bukan tim suksesnya…

suka ada-ada aja si Boss!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

reverse psychology

“Gue gimana? Oke kan? Ga malu-maluin kan? Aduh, lagi bad hair day lagi!”

It’s fifty times she asked those similar tone questions. And I’ve poured her with one hundred sixty three times morale booster comments, like: You look awesome. You’re a knock-out. Perfecto. Irresistable. Yummy (okay, I know I was too much!).

“Aduh gw kayak bangun tidur ya? Mata gue sembab banget. Tengsin deh gue. ”

We were two blocks away from the meeting point, about five minutes away. After 35 minutes journey, one hour preparation and forty five minutes ‘should-I-go’ discussion session.

“Ah, gw ga pede niiy. Gue bakal malu-maluin diri sendiri aja.”

This is the time when I’m supposed to cheer her up, encourage her.
But man, couldn’t she get enough?

“Kita pulang aja yuk….”

WHATTT?? After all the morale booster I gave?
That’s it! She’s got to has it!

“You’re right. You look awful. We’d better go home”. I said, unexpectedly.

“What? You’re joking, right?”, she asked disbelievingly.

“ No, seriously. You can’t meet him like this. You’ll be a clown. Public laugh. He will despise you”

“ How could you say that? Why you didn’t tell me before?”, she exclaimed.
I gave her ‘there’s nothing else I could do about it’ look.

“ You said I look awesome. A Knock Out. Two Thumbs Up. Now suddenly you said that I’m ugly? That I’m not good enough for him? Is that what you mean?”, look irritated, she sat back on the driver seat.

I sighed. We’re in parking lot.

“Beside, who does he think he is? Prince of Denmark? Ho-ho! Even if he is, he can’t treat me like that! He might be beautiful, but I’m not that bad either.”, there she went, begun to come to her senses.

“I mean, look at me! I’m not bad at all! I could make all men turn their head twice at me! Just watch me.”

“Let’s go! It’s show time.”, she said, gave the last glance to the mirror. Look self-satisfied.

Well, well… whaddaya know?
reverse psychology always works!

Friday, September 17, 2004

Don Corleone

Violin Concerto in E Minor.
Dari mulai solo violist gesek biolanya, gue seperti berada di jamannya Don Corleone.
Yap! The Godfather.
Gue tu seperti lagi berada di ruang tengah keluarga Corleone itu, dengan suasana serba putih, terang, tapi ga tau kenapa, terasa shabby.
Gue denger suara musik di kebun belakang. Pasti paman Corleone buat pesta lagi.
Gue seperti ngeliat diri gue berjalan ke kebun, musik semakin jelas, Don Corleone menyapaku, cium pipi, terus menyuruhku menikmati pesta. Bau pasta dan daging merebak kemana-mana.
Kelebatan adegan di film Godfather silih berganti di otakku. Sudut-sudut jalanan. Tembak-tembakan. Orang sembunyi di balik pintu. Perempuan-perempuan dalam gaun pesta. Orang-orang berdansa.

Mendelssohn. Romantis banget dah!

Dari dulu tu gue selalu nganggep film Godfather tu film romantis.


Mungkin ga si kalo kita tu ngerasa nyaman di crowd yang kita ga kenal?
Agak aneh ya?

Contoh satu:
Loe ke pesta, dress up to the nine, sendirian. Sampe sana ga ada yang loe kenal. Dan semua orang sudah nyaman dengan kelompok masing-masing. Loe dicuekkin. Males kan?

Contoh dua:
Ke bioskop, film seru, sendirian. Di sana banyak orang pacaran, gerombolan, dang a ada temen loe satu juga. Film mulai, loe ga bisa ngobrol kalo ada bagian yang loe ga denger jelas, ga bisa minta popcorn, garing deh!

Tapi beda kalo nonton orchestra sendirian.
Weitttsss.. bukan sok borju. Cuman, kebetulan aja kemaren dapet gratisan huehehe…
Kemaren si aku ga sendirian. Sama temen-temen.
Kalo konser begitu, sendirian malah lebih enak. Lebih enjoy.
Loe ga harus pura-pura ngerti musik klasik kok. Kebanyakan mereka juga ga pada ngarti hahaha…

Loe tu seperti tenggelam dalam alam pikiran loe sendiri.
Terlepas dari orchestra-nya ada kekurangan di sana-sini,
tapi aku menikmati kok.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


hmmm... for some people, it might be a careless decision, to resign from work these days.
especially when you haven't had another job.
I was one of them.
until now.

I will resign from my work.
I have prepared the letter.
just try to find the right time (which is rather difficult, since my boss is rarely around)
but I will.
today or tomorrow.

thought that rizqi has already been allocated.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004


I am quite positive
that 'sense of direction' has something to do with Mars and Venus.
also driving skill.
diving skill.

things that I'm not good at
I blame it to Mars!

Thursday, September 02, 2004

so he thinks I'm not good enough...

well, ok.. I'm not very good.
it's quite normal I guess.. I've been vacuum for so long.
but that means I need more practice.
I need more encouragement.
don't you think?

not like this.
he discouraged me.
he tried to push me away
(as if i don't belong to that group of great people)

well, ok.. I got his point.
so... what I need to do is
prove that I can do it without him.
if he thinks I'm not good enough
and that he gives up
he shall see the real me!
not soon maybe,
but I will be good.

he'll see.