Friday, January 28, 2005

kok jadi beneran...?">

uhm.. baru kemaren aku posting ttg 'nearly robbed experiences', taunya hari ini aku kecopetan beneran! (be te mode = on).
hari ini, sebelum ke kantor aku ke benhil dulu. sempet mau ke ATM di GKBI, taunya belum buka. nunggu bis AC yang lewat Thamrin, 10 menit ga lewat2. terus nanya ke orang, katanya Metro Mini 604 lewat. Ya udah, gw naik bis itu. Pas naik berasa si ada dua orang di depan yang berdiri, agak mepet ke gue. Jadi ga ngasih gue masuk ke tengah. Pikir gue, ya udah deh, toh deket juga tujuan gue. Terus di halte berikut, ada yang mau turun, dan bangkunya kosong. Pas gue mau duduk, mas yang di sebelah gue, yang dari tadi mepet, kok kayak menghalangi gue duduk, seolah mau nyerobot tempat duduk gue.
dia tanya, "mau turun, mbak?". gue sempet liat mukanya, sambil geleng.
(gue sempet liat mukanya, catet! ga ada tampang copet...)
gue urung untuk duduk, secara dia kayak mau duduk juga, taunya dia ga duduk juga. mbak yang duduk kasih kode ke gue untuk duduk. ya udah gue hempaskan badan biar duduk.
taunya mereka turun di dharmala, kolong bypass yg menuju casablanca.
mbak sebelah gue yang tadi kasih kode langsung bilang ke gue kalo mereka berdua copet. Dia bilang meeka langsung mepetin gue sejak gue naik. Gue berasa si. Tapi gue sempet meng'amankan' tas gue ke depan badan gue. Gue pikir mereka gagal nyopet gue...
tapi gue lirik juga tas gue (yang ritslitingnya masih rapet), HP ternyata masih ada. Fiuuuuhh... lega. Tapi.. eitsss.. paan ni? kok ujung tempat ristliting udah kebuka???
Loh dompet gue raib!! Dompet oleh-oleh dari Belanda, umurnya baru seminggu. uang si ga banyak, kartu2 nih harus gue urus: Credit Card, ATM, SIM, KTP, Membership Card, Discount Card ...

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Nearly robbed experiences

Malang melintang di tengah hustle and bustle angkutan umum Jakarta, ternyata banyak juga pengalaman ‘nyaris kecopetan’ gue…

1. di kopaja 66 dari pasar festival menuju blok m
waktu itu abis meeting di daerah kuningan. Bos sekalian nitip tuker uang di money changer. Ya udah ke pasar festival dulu. Pulangnya pikir2 enakan baik bis ke blok m… secara gw jarang minta reimburse taksi, kan lebih irit naik bis…
naiklah gw ke kopaja 66 yang pas banget lagi ngetem. Ada mbak2 di depan, sama bapak2 yang badannya gede, bukannya duduk kok malah berdiri. Padahal ada kursi kosong di depan ga ada yang dudukin. Tau diri, gw juga ga duduk dong di kursi itu. Kursi sengketa ‘kali, pikir gue. Gw mau jalan ke tengah, tapi dihalangin sama bapak2 yg badannya gede itu, juga sama 2 atau 3 laki2 yang duduk di tengah.
Kata bapak2 tadi: Duduk aja mbak, di sini
Mas-mas di tengah: Iya, di depan aja, mbak.
Ternyata gw tuh jadi inceran mereka. Gw sempet ngerasa juga si secara bapak2 itu ngeliatin gue gimannaaaa.. gitu. Sempet kepikir mau turun aja. Tapi kalo mereka ikut turun, badannya gede2 lagi, bisa apa gue kalo diapa-apain di pinggir jalan? Sepi kan. Ya udah, diem aja sambil baca2 (doa pastinya). Ndalalah.. setelah gran melia, kok ujug2 kawanan copet itu turun semua. Ternyata di perempatan depan ada polisi. Setelah mereka turun, baru deh penumpang lain sebis riuh rendah. “Mbak, ga papa kan?” “Mbak tu diincer tadi sama mereka”. “Aduh saya sampe deg-degan.” Blah.. blah..blah…
Selamet lah gue. Kebayang kalo jadi dicopet, gw bakal nombokin uang kantor lumayan banyak ni jreng! Padahal gw naik bis biar irit… selamet… selamet…

2. di cawang abis turun bis P6
Ini lucu banget (‘lucu’ dalam sense yang ‘miris’). Gue kan baru turun bis, mau nyambung naik mikrolet. Ceritanya mau ke rumah temen gw yang di kali malang. Trayeknya dikasi tau temen gue. Gw belom pernah juga ngangkot ke sana. Tapi yah, ternyata jiwa petualang gw besar juga waktu itu. Waktu gw jalan mau ke tempat tunggu mikrolet, kok ya ada tangan rogoh2 tas gue, dibuka aja gitu retsletingnya.. Gue hardik dong, “Heh! Heh! Apaan nih?”
Copetnya cengar-cengir doang ne’. Ga berusaha nutupin muka kek, malu kek, marah kek, ngga! Nyengir, terus ngelenggang aja ninggalin gue. Lebih errornya lagi, pedagang asongan sekitar situ tuh pada ngeliat, tapi bukannya nolongin atau teriakin “copet…copet!”, malah cengar-cengir juga. Copetnya ga dapet apa-apa si. Ga bawa apa-apa juga gue, maklum mahasiswa (uhm, okay, sekarang mahasiswa pada gaya2, tapi waktu itu gw termasuk mahasiswa pas-pasan). Tapi kan tetep aja… be te, berasa diledekin juga ama tu copet. *gw rasa tu copet lagi ‘on the job training’, makanya orang2 pada nyengir semua. Dasar copet amatir!

3. di PPD 213
udah siang, nungguin bis AC ga lewat2. Terus lewat 213. Selama ini gw paling anti naik 213. Selain bisnya jelek, selalu penuh, panas, bau … denger2 di situ emang banyak copet. Tapi karena dah kesiangan, terpaksa naik juga. Ternyata di slipi yang naik segabruk… penuh banget akhirnya. Bumper to bumper. Sweat to sweat (uuuugghhh! blllurrrghhhh!). Di benhil gue mau turun, tapi susah banget mau lewat. Tau-tau ada yang menghardik di deket gue.
“Heh! Ngapain? Kamu copet ya?”, taunya tas gue tuh lagi coba digerayangin ama seseorang.
“Ngga, Pak.” Kata sang copet.
“Hah, pasti kamu copet. Saya perhatikan dari tadi. Itu tangan ngapain di situ?”
“Iya, nih. Dari tadi saya juga liatin. Matanya jelalatan dari tadi.’, sambung seorang mahasiwa.
“Saya ngga ngapa2in kok. Ini ga sengaja. Namanya juga penuh”, kata pencopet.
“Awas kamu!” kata bapak2, yang belakangan gue tau katanya polisi yang nyamar.
Pas gue turun, mahasiswa yang tadi ikut hardik ternyata juga turun. Dari tadi tu dia emang dirinya deket gue, jadi emang saksi kunci kalo gue tu diincer ama si copet.
“Ada yang dapet, Mbak? Coba dicek. Emang dari tadi tu gelagatnya udah aneh.”
Gue sibuk ngoprak2 tas gue sambl ngabsen barang berharga. Henpon? Ada. Dompet? Ada. Itu aja si. Gw ga yakin copet itu tertarik ama lipstick YSL gue, yang sebenernya mahal juga ne’!
“Ga ada kok, mas. Makasi ya!” kata gue. Itu mas mahasiswa dengan tekunnya nungguin sampe gue selesai ngoprak2 tas. Lumayan ganteng lagi (loh?? OOT)
“Untung bapak tadi tu polisi, makanya copetnya takut”
“Ya udah, ati-ati ya, mbak.”
“Makasi banyak, mas.”
terus mahasiswa itupun nyebrang. Anak Atma nih kayaknya. Sayang ga sempet kenalan. (soundtrack: O YA? dari K3S)

4. di angkot B03
yang ini mungkin prasangka gw aja. waktu itu gw baru punya henpon. Mahal buat ukuran gue. Keluaran baru. Tau-tau ada 4 cowok naik. Satu duduk pas sebelah gue, dua duduk di depan gue, satu duduk dekat pintu. Yang di sebelah gue tu pake jaket kulit. Tangannya dia masukin di balik jaket. Langsung dong imajinasi gue jalan… Ada apa ya di balik jaket? Pistol? Clurit? Jarum suntik?
Duh, deg-degan banget. Dalam hati gw baca ayat kursi berulang2. sambil mata gw melirik ngeri ke tangan di balik jaket. Gw kepengen turun aja. Gw mikir2 mau cari tempat turun yang aman. Idealnya kayaknya di mercu, karena pas depan pos satpam. Tapi keburu ga ya gw turun situ? Irama jantung bertempo allegro. Otak gw memaksa hati gw untuk tenang, dengan diiringi doa tentunya. Akhirnya gw bisa turun di mercu. Selamet. Ga jadi ditodong pistol. (padahal kali aja tu mas-mas orang baek2… tapi mbok ya jangan pake jaket kulit terus sembunyiin tangan di balik jaket dong! Iya kan…?)

Lesson learned:

- mending naik taksi daripada naik bis regular. Bukannya borju, tapi daripada bayar murah tapi beresiko kehilangan barang, jatuhnya malah jadi lebih mahal..
- ga usahlah dandan terlalu rapi atau terlalu gaya kalo naek bis. Toh probabilitas ketemu cowo baek dan keren di bus tipis. Jadi mending keliatan sederhana dan ga gaya. (itu repotnya. Paling ga bisa gue mati gaya. Mati kutu boleh deh… asal jangan mati gaya! :p)
- kalo mau naek bis juga, naek aja bis AC. Relative lebih aman. Dan kebanyakan ga himpit2an kayak bis regular. Emang cost nya mungkin lebih tinggi, tapi ‘opportunity cost ‘, ‘quality cost’ dan ‘dangerous level’ nya kan lebih rendah…
- kalo dalam posisi diincer copet, jangan gegabah. Misalnya langsung turun, padahal jalan sepi. Wah cari penyakit namanya. Biarpun orang Jakarta pada cuek, tapi masih mending deh daripada sepi. Kalo tempat rame kan copet biasanya ga mau sampe nyakitin. Ada beban moral juga thd public. Kalo sepi…. hiyyyy… Turun deket pos polisi ato sekolahan yang rame. Kalo tu copet turun juga, itu mah dia yang cari penyakit….
- Kalo ga ada pilihan, ya udahlah kasih aja barang berharga sama copet. Ga usah keras kepala dan sok jagoan. Kalo cuma diancem masi ga papa, tapi kalo dibacok? Diperkosa? Disuntik virus AIDS? (wah ini sih gossip jaman dulu, katanya ada orang iseng yang suka nularin AIDS di bis-bis). Rejeki kan sudah ada jatahnya...

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

the birds with the same feather...">
Girls night out last nite.
It’s the first time we met after several series of failed rendez-vous plan.
Well, we’ve been very busy.

About last night.
We discussed about ‘strategic plan 2005’.
To us, it’s kinda heavy. I mean, we used to chit chat over a plate of siomay, or tiredly sit over a glass of frappucino caramel after sale hunting in metro or sogo, or just wander around mall blabbering about our daily routine. Strategic Plan??

About strategic plan.
I said I still have ‘outstanding’ task : having a steady relationship.
It turned out that it’s also ‘outstanding’ task for them.
So our discussion slightly change. About man. Marriage, future, man, man.. and man.
Then we realize, since we’re together in this friendship, we haven’t had one single steady relationship. What happened? Is our togetherness makes us like this? Who brought the bad luck? Is it contagious? blah..blah..blah..
I said that it’s not our togetherness makes us this way. It’s more likely that this situation that bounds us.

We, the silly witty smart-look slightly-independence well-groomed young women, have been in the same boat for couple years.

Like they say..the birds with the same feather flock together.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

maze books

It was already midnight. Cinderella stopped dancing and ran abruptly. She left her shoe on the stairs. The prince was stunned. He stood there with his confused-looking eyes.

What would Prince Charming do?

-------------> If the prince ran after Cinderella, go to page 53
-------------> If the prince took the shoe then weep, go to page 68.

Have you read a maze book? It’s the kinda book that gives you choices on what to do next at the end of each scene. One scene leads you to another choices, and one choice put you in a certain scene, and so forth. I read some when I was younger. I remember one of them called “Looking for Atlantis”. I don’t remember if I ever found the Atlantis on that book. I guess I quit before I finish going through all options.

Come to think of it, life is like a maze book. It’s full of choices (only we can’t just quit).
When your alarm beep in the morning, you have choices whether to get up or to reset your alarm 10 more minutes. If you decide to get up, you could choose to take a bath or make yourself a cup of coffee.
One choice leads you to another choices…
Waiter : Would you like a cup of coffee or tea, ma’am?
Guest : Coffee, please
Waiter : Do you prefer black coffee or white?
Guest : Black, please.
Waiter : Sweetened or Unsweetened?
Guest : Sweetened.
Waiter : One spoon or two spoons?
Guest : (sigh) Two please.
Waiter : Diet sugar or regular sugar?

Uhm.. well, you got my point… choices! We always face choices. So when someone say “I have no choice” , that sounds so hyperbolic, don’t you think?

So some people choose to give donation to whoever and whenever in needs, some others choose to give donation to certain community. Some people choose to declare their donation to public, some others prefer stay anonymous.
Let them be. No need to condemn or praise them.
The difference is that, they will face different scene and different options, later on.
Like in the maze book.

page 53
“Cinderella, wait! You left your shoe!”, Prince charming ran after Cinderella.
“Oo my prince! Thank you. My feet hurts and feels so cold. And it’s my precious Manolo Blahnik shoe!! You save my life, my dear Prince!!”, Cinderella exclaimed.
And they live happily ever after….


Monday, January 03, 2005


I consider myself quite unorganized, in terms that my closet and my room and my desk are not quite tidy (well.. I believe you, yes you, are the same).
But I do have plan, or target or priority.
Unlike a dear friend of mine…

I really don’t understand the way she thinks regarding her study. I graduated three semesters ago. But she kept postponing doing her thesis and blamed it to her load of works. That, I can understand. But then, during her leave, instead of doing her thesis, she chose to go abroad or play the Sims on her computer. Errgghh!
(I know I’m acting like her mother… Wish I could ground her, that naughty lazy child!)

She’s been having the hard times dealing with the administration in campus because of her tardiness on paying the tuition. By the way, it was I who reminded her about the tuition. It was I who called campus asking about deadline of payment and deadline of thesis. She was just so ignorance. Errrggghhh!

She was supposed to finish her thesis end of October. Otherwise she would have to drop out. I urged her to meet her professor and Mbak Nunuk, our dear friend who is very clever in research metodology. I even did her questionnaire. Thank God the submission of thesis has been delayed. But that made her slower her paced too. Errrrgggghhhh!
(Do you think I worry too much?)

So she finally submitted her thesis on twenty something December, but it was not quite completed. The statistic part, the scariest and the most easy-to-detect-mistakes part, was not completed. She promised to finish it, and study about it. And she was scheduled to present her thesis on January 6th.
I offered to help her get prepared on New Year’s holiday.
But she asked me to go to Peabo Bryson concert instead. Errrrgggghhhhh!!

Then she SMS me to accompany her to go to Mbak Nunuk regarding her statistics. I agreed. But the day I was supposed to accompany her, she sms me again, informing that she couldn’t go because her relatives wanted to introduce her to someone.

She just could not set her priority.D’oh…