I know what you think when you read the title. So hold your smile, it's not about me ;p
it's about a girl. and she adores a boy. and she tries soooo hard to impress him.
maybe the girl thought that he is almost hers. until she found out that the boy also spreads his wings to other girls.
she becomes disappointed. and insecure.
she starts doing silly things.
she starts bugging others, to get information about him.
and he knows.
but he is not angry at her.
he is still nice to her, makes her keep her hopes.
but he is also nice to other girls.
and the girl..
poor her.
she keeps doing silly things.
she keeps bugging others.
she just tries to win his heart.
if only,
she just tells the truth
and dares to face the fact, whatever that will be.
if only,
he could be more stern
and dares to tell the fact, whatever that will be.
the silly things might stop.
and I will no longer be bugged!!
males banget ya Fit..
kenapa ya orang kok pada munafik dan suka main belakang?
gw ngalamin tu, ditelponin n disms-in sama orang yg ga dikenal, nanya hub gw dengan si A.
be te bgt.
nice blogs.
yeah, loves make us do silly things.
I can tell that you try to be wise, even though someone- whom in love- is bugging you.
I can't tolerate if someone is bugging me! :D
Hai Fitri salam kenal. Saya tertarik dg tulisan mengenai pulau kapoposang. Bisa ngga kita email2an ? k_eliza@hotmail.com
ini kisah pribadi ya?
biasanya kalo si penulis bilang ini bukan kisahnya justru kebalikannya.
wah, masih banyak cowok lain mbak. Tidak perlu seperti ini dong.
Tapi cewek memang suka terlalu main perasaan ya?
kasihan sekali
Ah, cewek kaya gitu sih gak usah diambil pusing. Ini cewek yang sebetulnya selalu merasa insecure, gak pede sama dirinya, jadi selalu ngerasa harus dapet perhatian dari orang. Biasanya orang kaya gini selalu over reacting atau mendramatisasi semua keadaan dan kejadian.
Gue setuju sama komentar Anonymous yang pertama, "Kasihan sekali".. Memang kasihan banget sih cewek itu, selalu dalam perasaan terancam si cowok gak perhatiin dia, sampai harus ngegangguin orang lain.Poor lady!
Sooooo... you're bugged instead of being the bugger, hehehehe....
Mungkin yaaaa..... mungkin nih.... si pria ini masih insecure juga sama si cewe.... masih gak yakin :D.
BTW umur berapa sih? Are they really boy and girl? :D
Setelah gua pikir-pikir ya... what would you do if you're in that situation? :D
@ spring_princess
mbeeerrr! shalow bgt dah!
@ anonymous 1
thx. try to do my best (to be tolerance) hehe..
@ Lisa
dah dihub MDC?
@ anonymous 2
itu kalo penulisnya kamu kali mbak..
kalo aku, di blogs ku ini ga ada tendensi utk impress someone, jadi jujur.
@ vina
bener Vin.. in her previous life she must be a broadway artist kali yaaa... makanya suka mendramatisir
@ Scal
sbenernya dah pd dewasa si Ben..
kalo gw.. mending tanya lsg ma cwo nya. "situ maksudnya apa si sama sini? kok situ begitu juga sama sana?" hahaha..
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