So, this post it to commemorate youth pledge day, tomorrow, 28 October 2008.
Thanks to our founding fathers (and mothers) *can’t help it, can’t take gender bias ;p
who had somewhat and somehow declared the pledge under Dutch’s nose!
Do you know that the pledge was declared with the present of Dutch officials who observed the 2nd Youth Conference?
Do you know that during the youth conference, Mr Thabranie et all assigned some smart talkative youths to accompany and talk to the Dutch officials, in order to distract their attention from the content of the pledge?
Do you think the pledge could be declared if the Dutch Officials knew the content?
Pretty damn Smart, Thabranie et all!
I just wanna say, I'm happy that Thabranie et all made it. I love my country.
The fact that for some extent, my beloved country has so much to fix… doesn’t change my love and devotion to her. I can’t imagine living in other countries. I can’t imagine losing so much convenient by having everything you need ready to your door.
-Bang, ketopraaaaakkk! Satu ya pedesssss!
-Sayuur baaaang! Sawi ijo dua iket. Ngutang dulu ya, nyokap ga ada.
-Bur ayam, ga pake kacang ga pake emping ga pake sledri. Cakwenya banyakin.
To question my nationality, honey, you’d better think twice!
Why, you should know damn well that I never, I repeat, NEVER buy piracy cd of Indonesian singer. Nor the piracy vcd or dvd of Indonesian movie. It’s a crime!
do you have any idea what our artist went through until their album/movie out to the market? Can you imagine their disappointment knowing the piracy version of their work already available in ambassador mall even before they launch their work? You might say, it’s the system, it’s the demand, it’s the label, it’s the player in industry..
Doesn’t matter, stop buying piracy!
Show some respect to our local artists. Buy original.
That' my pledge. What's yours?
nice writting sit..
wew... typo
maksudnya, nice writing sist...
maap... maap...
kami putra dan putri Indonesia, berbahasa satu BAHASA INDONESIA
kalo ttg bahasa, emang blog ini maunya buat aku berekspresi dlm bhs engressss.
kan udah diingetin: Enter at your own risk!
hallo, cuman mudeng dikit. hehehe.
mau komen tapi ga mudeng...
*ga jd komen :D
selamat menulis di blog
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