Thursday, July 08, 2004

what is it with man...?

what is it with man and his female best friend?
He said he cares for her, feels comfortable with her, doesn't mind to talk about almost anything w/ her, he even flirts w/ her, makes her feel flattered.

he just wont make her his girl friend.
he wont date her.

ring a bell, girls?

ring a bell, guys?

He keeps complaining about his love life to his nice patient understanding female best friend.
How he must take her girlfriend and pick her up everywhere.
How he feels she manipulates his time.
How he feels his privacy invaded.

he goes on dating a demanding selfish spoiled baby possessif girl he keeps on complaining.

she (that nice patient understanding female friend) just has to be satisfied being a cheer-up buddy for a man she's been fond of.

what is it with man?

1 comment:

Scal said...

There is a thin line between female best friend and a girl friend.... but.... a huge difference how she behave.

I have a female best friend. She is very nice nad could give very relieving advise that I tell her almost everything, even things that I wouldn't tell my girlfriend.

And I know how she behave with her boyfriend... To tell you the truth, I'm glad that I'm her best friend, not her boyfriend.