Wednesday, October 29, 2008

a glimpse of paradise

tadi pagi jalan, masi kepagian untuk ukuran standar gw.
bau hujan, bercampur dengan bau dupa.
mungkin encik di sebelah kiri or kanan or depan lagi sembahyang.
baunya itu... bau tanah basah bercampur dupa
membuat gw keinget bali

inget waktu pertama kali mendarat di bali, untuk post baru di sana.
hujan baru berhenti di bandara ngurah rai.
ketika menghirup nafas saat kaki baru aja terjejak di tanah, bau itu...
bau khas bali.

duh kangen banget ama bali!

kang..e....n..nnn..n..n.. !!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Youth Pledge Day

So, this post it to commemorate youth pledge day, tomorrow, 28 October 2008.
Thanks to our founding fathers (and mothers) *can’t help it, can’t take gender bias ;p
who had somewhat and somehow declared the pledge under Dutch’s nose!
Do you know that the pledge was declared with the present of Dutch officials who observed the 2nd Youth Conference?
Do you know that during the youth conference, Mr Thabranie et all assigned some smart talkative youths to accompany and talk to the Dutch officials, in order to distract their attention from the content of the pledge?
Do you think the pledge could be declared if the Dutch Officials knew the content?
Pretty damn Smart, Thabranie et all!

I just wanna say, I'm happy that Thabranie et all made it. I love my country.

The fact that for some extent, my beloved country has so much to fix… doesn’t change my love and devotion to her. I can’t imagine living in other countries. I can’t imagine losing so much convenient by having everything you need ready to your door.

-Bang, ketopraaaaakkk! Satu ya pedesssss!

-Sayuur baaaang! Sawi ijo dua iket. Ngutang dulu ya, nyokap ga ada.

-Bur ayam, ga pake kacang ga pake emping ga pake sledri. Cakwenya banyakin.

I mean, where else could you find such luxury?

To question my nationality, honey, you’d better think twice!
Why, you should know damn well that I never, I repeat, NEVER buy piracy cd of Indonesian singer. Nor the piracy vcd or dvd of Indonesian movie. It’s a crime!

do you have any idea what our artist went through until their album/movie out to the market? Can you imagine their disappointment knowing the piracy version of their work already available in ambassador mall even before they launch their work? You might say, it’s the system, it’s the demand, it’s the label, it’s the player in industry..

Doesn’t matter, stop buying piracy!

Show some respect to our local artists. Buy original.

That' my pledge. What's yours?

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

legal draft on pornography

I came to a public dialog that I thought would not involve brain cracking. I was wrong. I kept thinking about it even after the dialog was over.

*Mungkin ini yg disebut mengendap di pikiran, halah!

It was a pro contra about legal drafting on Pornography. I was kinda contra to the draft. But after the dialog, I was not sure anymore.


Because my disagreement on the draft was merely based on the opinion from media, without really read and understand each article on the draft.
I guess you, yes YOU, also did the same. You disagree with the draft, said it’s terrible, it’s disaster.. but I’m sure you only read the definition of Pornography quoted from the draft by media.

Yes, the definition is still open for interpretation. Because it involves imagination.

I also learned from the dialog that media, some of them big media, really mislead the viewers by its opinion and false quotes from several experts. So this draft has been politically and ideologically corrupted. I don’t know the agenda, and hell I don’t care. I just remember the ‘Agenda Setting’ theory back then from campus (that media can set the issue from its lay out, headline, and content and affect the readers)

There were Ade Armando, Bagus Takwin, Neng Dara, Mula Harahap and Azlaini as speakers, and Hikmat Gumilar as moderator. It was very enriching experience.

One of the speaker said that we already have several regulation related to pornography, namely KUHP, UU Penyiaran, UU Teknologi Informasi. Wy don’t we just strengthened the existing regulation bla bla..

Another speaker said, we know that porn VCD is illegal. But somehow we can access it easily, and cheap too. Children can have it. That’s why 60% of the inmate in juvenile penitentiary (penjara anak-anak) in Bandung were sentenced out of pasal pencabulan. So will this new regulation guarantee that practice (selling porn VCD) won’t happen again? I doubt it.

Other speaker said, we can’t use KUHP anymore. It was made in the 80s. The situation was different back then. The punishment was quite lame, you will be sentenced for 6 months – 1,5 years to do pornography, and pay the fine Rp. 45.000 (I forgot the amount, but small). It won’t have ‘efek jera’. We need regulation as an umbrella for other existing regulation and also new adaptive regulation developed by provinces/districts.

The other said, there’s no single words in the articles that can harm the rich culture in Indonesia. This regulation was developed to protect people. Even for those who, by force, had done/produced pornography, is also considered on this draft( such us being raped and taped). Balinese can still have their dances, Papuan can still wear their koteka.

So I was wrong about this draft. Now I know better.
But I still can’t say that I agree with this draft. I mean, what’s the point? We can have many regulations, but we always take for granted the implementation.

I object it when people smoke in the public transport. I always express my disagreement rather obviously (but still in sweet manner dong…! ;p). The smoker can either accept my objection or give me their nasty look. Others, especially ibu2 will give thank you look. The ‘non-smoking’ sticker on the window would give me proud look. The driver would give me ‘kalo ga mau bau asep naik taksi aja’ look.
I could give ‘ heyyy, this is regulation!’ look, but will they care?
Where is ‘aparat dan perangkat’ that supposed to regulate that?

So whats the point of inaugurating the regulation that we know: we can't guarantee that this regulation will take effect?

*collecting my brain pieces that cracked over this thought

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Me and My BigMouth

I don’t know when it started, somehow I feel that everybody finds excitement over my love life. It has become a soap opera for them. Or, better yet, it becomes a reality show for them.

My life become a public consumption.

Of course ‘ga ada asap kalo ga ada api’.. there’s no smoke if there is no fire (halah! maksa banget ga siy?).

And I knowwwwww, me and big mouth started the fire.

I don’t know if it’s because I really need advise from friends, or because I suffer from acute narcism!
I talked to one person, and then the other, and more others!
Before you know it, people eagerly seek for the updates (I must be one hell of story teller!)

They start throwing rather personal questions/statements:
How’s your date?
Was it nice?
Did he say something to make you fly?
Did you talk to him?
Did you k*** him?
You still on casual date terms with him?


If you’ve gone for a date more than 3 times in three consequence weekend, you practically move in together. C’mon! There’s no such thing as casual date!

And finally:

Oh Fiiiit, you’re so amateur!!!!

At first it was fun. Maybe because I considered this dating thingy as a joke. We enjoyed all the comments or speculation or analysis over my going on a date. It’s just…cute.

I didn’t take it seriously.
I didn’t take him seriously.
But I guess the more you talk about it, the more you think about it.
The more you think, the more you grow and nurture special feeling for him.
And the more your feeling grows, it sooths you to talk about him over and over.
On and on and on…

I thinks she’s in love
No doubt about it!

*me with crimson face

Oh shoot! Me and my bigmouth!


Did he know that he has become my north and south, my east and west?
My six working days and my Sunday rest?*

Boy, everybody knows it but you…

*) Quoting poem from WH Auden

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Sign of Victory

I live in the non-Moslem neighborhood. But thanks to the TOA in the mosque and the wind that seriously blows the sound to my neighborhood, I can hear Takbiran.

Loud and clear.

It’s the sign that we have finally completed our ordeal
It’s the sign of victory
It makes me sad, though.

Every year, for five years now, when I lay on my bed looking up at the ceiling, with the Takbiran as the back sound, I cry.

I remember my father.

They said that the spirit would come home during ramadhan, and would return to .. (grave?) when Takbiran starts.
So I kinda believe that my father has been here, in our house, watching us in silent.

I guess I could feel his presence.
Could feel his disapproved look over my coming home late at night after series of breaking the fast events with friends.
Could feel his attentive look when I talked to mother about boring work, confusing guys, annoying colleagues…
So tonight, guess I could feel his gone!

I can feel his gone, with his eyes red with tears, knowing that his children did not send him enough pray
I remember all the nights I went to bed without even pray Rabbighfirlii Warhamnii..
and even when I did pray, I did it with my eyes lid heavily.. not sure whether I finish the pray..

So tonight, for five times now,
with Takbiran as the backsound,
I shed the tears on the pillow
Regret that I, once again, have failed him…
Regret for not using Ramadhan to give him small favor
Regret for not be able to make him proud

I’m hoping that I will have the chance to make it up next years

Papa, hold my heart, count its beat
That is how much I miss you..