Thursday, November 18, 2004

shut your heart?

"you can close your eyes to things you refuse to see..
but u can`t close your heart to things u refuse to feel.."`

damn right, isn't it?

yesterday I got bad messages, from a friend. ex-friend, now after the mean things he said to me. Such a mystifying messages, coming from a prominent person, a role model of good attittude and intellectual. a lecturer.

well, it happened after he sent me message. an ordinary one during Eidul Fithr. you know... minal aidin and stuff. but, as always, he preached.
I dont like he's preaching me. Now that I observe that he doesn't always do what he says. I am the 'action speaks louder than words' kind a girl. All the talk is cheap.
He, as I observe, is 'no-action-talk-only' kind a guy.

so, as a friend, I reminded him about the promise he made. The promises that I am sure he didn't mean saying it.

so I replied his message:
"please forgive me too. but a promise is a promise. one still owe it until he fulfill it."

actually, he didn't promise me the world or anything. only simple things. I just hate how easy he made promise and took for granted that someone would remember it. maybe even, expected it.
and THAT- the message I want him to get: don't say things you don't mean. you have no idea how it might affect people.

apparently, the my-promise-reminder activated his furious mode. must be something he ate! I don't see any words that might make one feel offended, do you?
in short, there he went, flooding me with his full of preach and condemn sms. It got to my nerves, eventually. I dont see any relation my-promise-reminder with my educational background (which he said a 'waste' because I don't act like S2 graduated. and how exactly an S2 graduated should act anyway? Men often feel offended or threathened with women's degree. but this is too much!), my name (he said I was not entitled to hold a name 'fitri' and that I should change my name. his name is ahmad by the way, which in Arabic sort of means 'trustable'. yeah right!!) and words he took from a mule (don't look at me! I don't know what that means either...)

so I stopped replying his sms. later on, I stopped reading it. I erased it once I got it. there's no point.
but I felt . . . awful. discouraged.
If he beats me, I could beat him back. but if he says bad things, It goes through my heart without filter. without shields. even if I reply saying bad things, it won't make my heart any better, like the satisfying feeling when you strike someone.

I could shut my eyes and my ears, but I can't shut my heart.

ps. Did I mention that he is S3 graduated? well, he is. from abroad, too.
pps. In case you're wondering- No, I don't have love affair with him. ;)


Anonymous said...

uhm... I suggest, don't take S3 degree. If that an S3 degree should act, it just show that educational degree goes in contrast with moral degree.

boy I'm glad I just D3 degree!


Scal said...

Ah..... well.... where should I start.......

First, a degree has totally NO RELATION to a person's behaviour..... well maybe to some extend...... Take a look at our legislative, some of them might have S1-S3 or even S4, if such degree exist, but then they still act like a pre-school kids.

Second, some people have trained to 'close' their heart. What I mean close here is the good thing, prevent your feeling to affect your logical thought, which is good in some situation. Maybe your friend take the training to the extreme level :D.

Thrid thing is...... well.... in relation to your name and his name.... both have relation with religion. I've been giving some thought about how far a religion should interfere with real life..... you'll see a new post in my blog.

Ah.... I'm running out of words now.....

tolelojing said...
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tolelojing said...


once i was very close to a friend.
at first i looked up to this person.
i see this person was a sophisticated person. a role model.

time after time,
i guess i saw wrong.

after a tiny missunderstanding, which i intend to finish it with an apology, wasn't taken - although i didnt think i should have apologize, because i wasn't wrong!
this person never tried to open a conversation to me, which i've had tried once.
for a good deed's sake

after i became objective to this person (seeing everything out the box), i agree that such personality will change any value.
there are no wrong religion
there are no wrong value
there are no wrong decision
it always depends on how one looks at it.

it doesnt have to take a PhD or a Professor to judge whats right or wrong
it doesnt mean that PhDs are better than a high school student
it depends on the way one looks at and deal with it
it depends on one's background, value of life, environment

and what happened to this friend of mine?
although some friends tells me that this person is a 'wierd' type of person, a bossy and a role model-wanna be
but still, i value my good deeds.
you are right sis,
you can refuse to see, but can't refuse to feel.
Just try to forgive, although you can't forget.
that's what i did.
this person is still my friend, regardless im not to this person anymore.

*its always hard to find a person who always do things what they say.
even in an advanced diving course text book you can find "do as i say, don't do as i do"

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