Thursday, June 17, 2004

Trilogy: Gaptek 2

"Okay, class. Masih inget kan minggu lalu kita sudah ngebahas tentang perkembangan teknologi komputer dan internet."
(I approach the OHP, handling my slide)

"Sebagaimana kalian tau, bahwa ngomongin internet ga lepas dari komputer. Bahkan kini komputer pun ga lengkap kalo ga ada fasilitas internet."
(They have brand new OHP. Looks nice. Looks sophisticated. Looks ow-please-God-help-me )

"Kalau kalian perhatikan, saat ini kita bisa mengirimkan gambar, lagu bahkan film lewat internet, yang sangat sulit dilakukan beberapa tahun lalu."
(uhmmm... how to turn this thing on?)

"Ini terjadi karena infrastruktur yang ada . ."
(switch the button? Done. How about this button? what the hell, just push. nothing happen. This button? Nope.)

". . kini terus dikembangkan dan semakin maju"
(calm...calm... don't show your confuseness. everything's gonna be fine. piece of cake!)

"Jadi hari ini kita . ."
(ouw! I pushed all button that this thing has. Huccome it wouldn't start?? help... mayday mayday!)

". . akan membahas tentang "Infrastruktur Komunikasi""
(usually, by the time I mention the topic of the day, the slide shows on the board. Taddaaaaaa... Tapi kali ini.. oh, well. Can't hide this confused look anymore.)

"Ada yang tau cara nyalain alat ini?"
(duh! dosen teknologi komunikasi nih? nyalain ohp aja ga bisa... *blushing*)

A student came forward, took the cable, put the socket into the wall. Tadddaaaa....
"Belum dicolokin, Bu...", he said, grinning.


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