Friday, October 20, 2006

It’s strange how things grow…

My ex-boy friend, now becomes a very good friend of mine.
I think there’s no room for us to blackmail each other, as we keep each others’ “little secrets”.

Sometimes I wonder how our relationship could grow this way
I once fell all over for him, wept hundreds nights for him.
There were times when we couldn’t stand each other’s presence…
Those days are gone…
Now, as we grow mature (yeah, right!), we end up kinda depend on each other in most peculiar way…

Before I came to Bali, he constantly encourages me.
He knows I hate loneliness.
I remember he said this, “You take care, will you? Don’t fall easily with an asshole who would just take advantage on you because you’re lonely…”

It’s one hell of an advise coming from your ex isn’t it?

On my reckless nights here, when I lay in bed staring at the ceiling, having nothing’s to do and noone to talk to, wait for the mercy of God to put me to sleep soon… he calls.
We talk, and laugh, and giggle, call each other names, more laugh…
He put a smile on my sleep.

Thanks, pal!


Anonymous said...

Wow, gw terharu banget (beneran terharu terutama saat lu cerita situasi sebelum tidur di kamar itu, gw jadi nyesel waktu lu call gw dan cerita keadaan disana eh gw malah nakut-nakuti lu, tapi sebetulnya nih Fit, g itu memang punya kebiasaan jelek suka ganngguin orang yang gue sendiri sebetulnya takut juga)baca cerita lu yang satu ini. Gw bilang sama diri gw sendiri untung ada teman yang suka nulis diari kayak gini...jadi gw tahu gimana perasaan lu disana.

Anonymous said...

fit, giling lo yah...ntar banyak org tau g org baik (walau ex-boyfriend) bisa gawat nih...jangan kasih tau no hp g yah..plzzz..
satu lagi bos, jgn sampe kebiasaan nista kita diketahui org...he..he..
tapi sebagai temen deket lo g doain lo segera meninggalkan perbuatan kebiasaan nista lo itu, tapi lo sbg temen deket g awas kl ampe doaiin g meninggalkan perbuatan nista g..hi..hi..abis g sayang berat bo ma dia..kalo kata lo: "melintir abis.."

vque said...

perbuatan nista? yang mana ya?
*polos mode= on*

Unknown said...

manisss banget mbaaaak...
Boleh ya saya share ke temen milis Jejak Langkah? Kebetulan ada thread tentang sahabat.